
Friday, October 21, 2016

How does food digested

Thursday, 8 September 2016
How does food digested

Do you know how the food you eat is digested?. I will provide you with an explanation.

When food is placed in your mouth, it is masticated by your teeth and silva. The food is moved to the back of the mouth by your tongue. This place is called the  trapdoor or the oesophagus.

The food moves to the stomach where it's broken down by digestive juices. The broken down food moves to the small intestine. Here the goodness is soaked in.

The remainder of the food is moved to the large intestine. Here the water is taken out. The food needed by your body is transported by the blood and is used for growth, repair, energy.

The waste is excreted through the anus.

The norty witch

Monday, 17 October 2016
The norty witch
One amazing morning Jacob stomped down to James room and opened his door and said “wake up James it is a good day today, we are going out  camping”. So he woke up got changed and packed himself some lunch a water bottle and togs in case  they saw a lake they could go for a swim. “READY JACOB” James screamed “OK let's get in the car and go” so they got in the car and went off.

On the way to their destination, they saw rabbits, horses, crows and of course trucks with loggers going past. A while after that they finally arrived at their destination James and Jacob got out of their car and put on their bag and of they went. While they walked down this path James  saw a little lake so they had a little dip for like an hour and 30mins. After they got out of the water Jacob grumbled “where's my bag” then  Jacob asked James “do you know where my phone is James” he replied “NO my bag is missing too??”.

They were looking for their stuff for an hour and then they saw these footprints on the grass so they followed it. It led them to this old den. James said “that looks scary”. They walked towards the door and Jacob stood on a paper. So he picked it up and there was a photo of a witch that stole stuff.  James was like that must be the one that stole our  stuff so they walked inside and there was  a heap of stuff. Jacob said “there is my phone look I found your bag too”. They grabbed their stuff went back to their car and went home. When they got home their mum asked “how was it” and they just said “we are never going camping again ahaha” then went to there room.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


Thursday, 15 September 2016
Everyone knows that a person is, but do you know what personification is?. A personification is when you assign human qualities to something that isn’t alive.
Example of personification

  1. The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.
  2. The run down house appeared depressed.
  3. The first rays of the morning tiptoed through the meadow.
  4. The bees played hide and seek with the flowers as they buzzed from one to another.
  5. The river swallowed the earth as the water continued to rise higher and higher.
  6. The thunder grumble like an old man.
  7. At precisely 6:30 am my alarm clock sprang into life.
  8. The news took me by surprise.
  9. The evil tree was lurking in the shadows.
  10. The ocean danced in the moonlight.

Friday, September 9, 2016


Friday, 9 September 2016
Metaphors like similes compare one thing to another. However, there are no “likes” and “as”. Metaphors say on thing is the other thing.

Examples of metaphors
  1. She is a tiger on the netball court.
  2. The sea is a hungry dog.
  3. That's a pearl of an idea.
  4. Jack was a pearl of an diamond.
  5. Tim was a little monkey when no one was watching

Maui and the sun

15 June 2016 Wednesday
Maui and the sun
A long time ago in a country called Aotearoa lived a Maori warrior called Maui. He lived with his brothers and people of his village.

Every day Maui and his villages woke up early in the morning before the sunrise  and enjoyed planting vegetables. They did this to feed themselves and the villagers. The villagers were happy because they had enough food to eat. Maui and his brothers were happy too.

As the time went on the days came shorter and shorter. Maui and the villagers had less time to plant vegetables and fish. There was now less food for them to eat. Maui, his brothers and the villagers became very angry. Maui and his brothers got angry because the sun came out too early. They decided to tech the sun a lesson by catching the sun, and tying it up and hit it. There plan was to use flax ropes to strap the sun up.

One day, they got up very early in the morning to collect flax ropes. After they collected all the flax ropes they went to go search for the sun. They hid behind the rock and waiting for the sun to rise. When Maui saw the sun he said “now my brothers”.They throw the ropes and holed the sun tight. Maui said “hold him tight brothers”. Maui went up to the sun and gave him a patu in the head and Maui was like “ patu,patu and patu” The sun promised not to move so fast across the sky.


Thursday, September 8, 2016


Thursday, 8 September 2016
Adjectives are describing words. They tell us something about a noun. They also make our writing interesting.

Adorable                         Dangerous
Attractive                         Cruel
Aggressive                      Kind
Clever                               Helpful
Expensive                       Bored
Grumpy                             Nervous
Wild                               Foolish
Talented                            Fierce
Spotless                         Tired

persuasive writing

25 July 2016 term 3 Monday
persuasive writing
Surely you would agree with me why we should be respectful in and outside the class. I will provide you with many reasons as to why we should be respectful in and outside the class.

By  being respectful we are following our school values. Our school values are integrity, confidence and excellence. Integrity means being honest, confidence means being sure about yourself and excellence means giving off your best. Following our school values help us become better human beings. Even when we leave our school we will be responsible people.

If you make poor choices by bullying,fighting and swearing you could get stood down. Only a dumbo would like to get stood down?. When you get stood down you are sent home and miss out on learning time. Hurting other learners hurts there feelings. A sensible idea would be to be responsible. By being responsible you are a positive role model. Your friends and teachers would respect you.